Playing Catch Up

Wow, we've been so busy I haven't even been able to find the time to blog!  It sounds naive but I really thought I'd have at least a little more time for myself during the day once I became a stay-at-home-mom but it turns out that there's always something that needs to be done, even before everyone is up in the morning.
The house is finally set up and we're hitting our stride in this American life so I'm going to try a little harder to carve out time for this blog again.  I love being able to share our lives with our family out of state and to connect with other blogger through this venue.

Here's a slice of what our life has been like while the blog has been quiet:

We headed to Rodeo Days at the Clubhouse:

Sky and Fire loved the petting zoo but even the chicks terrified Water

Just as I convinced D to get rid of this hideous wine rack, Water found a better use for it

Food!  We love food!  Earth is eating so much already and love it all.

Family coloring time

Sitting practice is hard!

The car cart + donut = an easy grocery trip

Getting creative with pink hair

A trip to the pool

Our Easter eggs- I didn't get any pictures taken while the kids were dying them- too busy trying to keep the table clean (mom fail- forgot to put down newspaper first)

Whew!  That's a lot.  Hopefully now that we're a bit more settled in, I can get back to blogging regularly.  I miss posting here when I can't find the time.  So, that's us.  How have you been?


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