Info and Links for Families with Marshallese Children

    The links below contain some helpful information regarding the relationship between the Marshall Islands and the United States.  We used the letter from the RMI ambassador to obtain Sky's Social Security card and will be following the guidelines listed in the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) and on the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website when we apply for her US citizenship next year.  I thought I would share them here for any other families that might need them.

-section 141 applies to immigration, entry and residence in the US
USCIS: Citizenship for Biological or Adopted Children Residing Outside the US
-this website directs you to the INA legislation regarding citizenship for adopted children that reside outside the US that don't have US citizenship
INA Section 101(b)E(i)17a
INA Section 322(c)
-the specific sections in the INA that refer to adopted children and their qualification for citizenship

  Marshallese citizens qualify for US Social Security cards.  This is the policy that explains that and will hopefully ease the process:
Social Security Numbers for CFA Citizens

*This is not intended to be legal advice regarding US citizenship or any other matter!  Please do your own research and contact a lawyer if needed!*


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