Formation Run

  D and I participated in an formation run with the Army garrison this morning.  I had originally planned to take Sky while D stayed home with Fire but since both kids were awake by 5:30, it turned into a family thing.  We met the garrison and a few other civilian runners at the flagpoles, watched the police raise the flag and listened to reveille, and then formed up for the run.  We ran in rows of three, to the Sargent Major's chanting.  I'd never done a formation run before, but D had, from his Air Force days.  He said he'd had enough of it then, so he took the kids and ran with them at the back while I ran with the group.
  We did a two-mile loop around the main part of housing, waking up the neighborhood with our chanting and responses.  While D and I have friends that are part of the garrison and we interact with Army personnel for work, we don't do much with Army garrison as a whole here.  It was wonderful to take part in something that is so distinctly Army, to be reminded that we live on a base, and that we, the civilians, are here for them, the Army. 


  1. We are trying to move out there and I'd love to chat with you about it if you are willing. My email is jacquedee at gmail dot com


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