Operation: Science Stuff
If I asked you to remember your first day of school, what comes to mind? The excitement of a new year, new clothes, seeing friends, joining sports and clubs? Do you remember sitting in class and receiving a text book for each subject? If you're like me, you didn't think anything of it. Maybe you flipped through it to see if you could tell who had it last, or maybe you just sighed at the thought of having to learn everything in it in one year. I would guess that one thing is for sure for most of you reading this: you had a text book, every year, for every class.
A friend has brought it to my attention that this isn't always the case at the Kwajalein Atoll High School and he's asked me for help to bring more textbooks into the school. He says they specifically need sets of science text books, so I've set a goal of purchasing two 30-book sets and teacher guides to donate to the high school. To make that possible, I'm starting Operation: Science Stuff.
Why Science Stuff and not Science Books? Because they don't just need text books, they could use a little bit of everything. Do you remember the first time you looked through a microscope? Wasn't it amazing to see all those tiny living things? Let's bring that amazement, that joy to the students at Kwajalein Atoll High School.
A friend has brought it to my attention that this isn't always the case at the Kwajalein Atoll High School and he's asked me for help to bring more textbooks into the school. He says they specifically need sets of science text books, so I've set a goal of purchasing two 30-book sets and teacher guides to donate to the high school. To make that possible, I'm starting Operation: Science Stuff.
Why Science Stuff and not Science Books? Because they don't just need text books, they could use a little bit of everything. Do you remember the first time you looked through a microscope? Wasn't it amazing to see all those tiny living things? Let's bring that amazement, that joy to the students at Kwajalein Atoll High School.
Earlier this year, I donated my telescope to the high school. There was a full moon that evening and the kids were amazed to see it so clearly.
How can you help? There are so many ways you can help with Operation: Science Stuff! The easiest one would be to donate money. I've set up an account on PayItSquare.com: Operation: Science Stuff and all money donated will be used to purchase books and science equipment.
Other ways to contribute:
-Contact your local high school to see if they have science text books or equipment they'd be willing to sell or donate.
-You can purchase items for the school yourself: science posters, chemistry kits, electronics kits, physics kits, magnifying glasses and boxes, anything that can help bring science alive for the students
-Do you already have something you'd like to donate? Contact me for mailing info
-Do you have a high school student that is looking for a charitable project or service hours? This would be a great way for them to connect with other students and to have a real and positive impact on the world.
The young people attending Kwajalein Atoll High School are already doing something amazing- attending high school! Let's help them get more out of their education and enable them to give back more to the Marshall Islands, with Operation: Science Stuff.
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