Problem Solved!
I was never able to figure out which cat was doing it, but almost every night for the longest time, the toilet paper roll was getting torn up and strewn all over the bathroom. We tried covering it with a towel, putting it on the toilet tank or on the sink and nothing helped. I looked all over the internet but couldn't find a good solution that would work for us. When I reorganized the bathroom about a month ago, I had a small basket that I didn't need any more and the idea of using it to hold the toilet paper popped into my head.
Friends, sometimes (okay, rarely), I am a genius! It has worked beautifully. The cats haven't bothered it at all. The paper is right next to the toilet so Sky can reach it by herself, and it's not interesting enough to Fire for him to try and play with it. An all- around win! Now, how to keep the cats out of the paper towels...
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