Operation: Science Stuff Update
Operation: Science Stuff is going really well! We've raised a little over $1000.00 so far and only need $600 more to purchase all the supplies that the school has requested. I think we might actually be able to meet that goal since there are three fundraisers left before that portion of the project closes. If you're on Kwaj and you want to contribute, the Catholic confirmation class is going to be holding a bake sale (more info on that as the plans come together), and there will be a tie-dye fundraiser at Emon Beach on December 1 in the afternoon. For folks that aren't on Kwaj, I'll be starting another raffle here shortly, with two of the children's books from the Unbound Bookmaker project as the prize, so watch the blog for details.
Besides fundraising, I've also been able to collect some donations for the high school. The high school here on Kwaj has donated some supplies that they were given when the photo lab closed- I was able to take them over to the high school earlier this week. Also, when I contacted someone traveling to Kwaj about hand-carrying some microscopes I wanted to buy, he offered to purchase a third microscope as well as prepared slide set, slide-making kits, and books on using a microscope- what was a wonderful surprise! The microscopes should be here in early December and I hope to be able to purchase the rest of the equipment before Christmas.
A big Thank You! to all of those that have supported Operation: Science Stuff so far. Your help is greatly appreciated. Stay tuned for more info on our next raffle!
Besides fundraising, I've also been able to collect some donations for the high school. The high school here on Kwaj has donated some supplies that they were given when the photo lab closed- I was able to take them over to the high school earlier this week. Also, when I contacted someone traveling to Kwaj about hand-carrying some microscopes I wanted to buy, he offered to purchase a third microscope as well as prepared slide set, slide-making kits, and books on using a microscope- what was a wonderful surprise! The microscopes should be here in early December and I hope to be able to purchase the rest of the equipment before Christmas.
A big Thank You! to all of those that have supported Operation: Science Stuff so far. Your help is greatly appreciated. Stay tuned for more info on our next raffle!
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