Catching Up: Water's 7th Family Day

Water: the baby we waited and prayed so much for.  We thought it would take years to bring you home and then there you were, all in a rush.  We wouldn't be us without you, our sweet, kind, and loving boy!



 It's so easy for life to just get busy on Kwaj- there's usually something happening either for the kids or for D and I and it can be hard to pin the kids down any more for these kinds of photos.  We celebrated Water's family day on time this year with dinner from Burger King and a walk to the playground but it took a few more days to get these pictures taken.  I love seeing how the kids have changed and grown every year but I don't know how much longer I'll be able to pick Water up for!




  1. Thanks for the updates! Still following you all and your adventures!


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