
  We are working through some hard times here and friends, I just haven't had the energy to filter or distill what's been going on into something that can be shared.  We've all been sick, D and I are having a hard time dealing with the financial implications from Water's adoption and Sky and Fire's citizenship happening so quickly, and Sky...  she is working through something right now  that's very hard for all of us to deal with.  We're having trouble finding the right tools to help her but we're doing our best.  Please be patient with us while we work on getting back to our old selves or defining what our new ones look like. 


  1. Lots of positive energy to all of you ((hugs))

  2. Thinking of you and praying right now. It's so hard. I'm so sorry. Hang in there!

    1. Thanks Shannon. I have the song "Lord, I need you" playing on repeat in my head. We're putting one foot in front of the other. Yesterday was a good day and we needed that.

  3. Thinking good thoughts for you all!
    My Nina goes through tough times as well. It's so hard when it's happening and I'm so grateful when things return to calm. I wish I could take away her pain from all of the changes and hurts she has experienced.

    1. Hi Carole- thanks for the good thoughts and thanks for stopping by. I agree, I wish I could just calm her soul but like everyone, she needs to sort things out for herself. You're right about being grateful for the calm afterward- we're finally there and it feels so good!


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