Getting Setteled In
Well hi there! Sorry for that blog hiatus but things were just so crazy over the last few weeks that I never had the opportunity to do any real blogging. I'm hoping now that school and work have started that things will settle down a bit and I'll be able to start back up again regularly.
After spending the holidays with D's family in Kansas, we're all together again here in Tucson. Sky and I actually flew in before D and the boys to get the lay of the land and start setting up the house. I was so great to have time with just Sky- she's a different, more grown up person without her little brothers around.
D started work yesterday and Sky and Fire are both in school (Kindergarten and preschool, respectively). I started my new job as a stay-at-home mom and am so glad that my mom is visiting for the week to help me get a handle on things. There's so much to do in a day and it's doubled by the fact that we're still getting moved in.
We only have a little bit of furniture but hopefully our shipments from Kwaj and from Omaha (where we lived before Kwaj) will be delivered before the end of the month. Until then, we're still mostly camping but doing our best. We're making new friends, enjoying all the new things to do here, and trying to make the most of life here. I'll be working up some dedicated move and house posts soon but here's a little bit of a photo catch up for now:
After spending the holidays with D's family in Kansas, we're all together again here in Tucson. Sky and I actually flew in before D and the boys to get the lay of the land and start setting up the house. I was so great to have time with just Sky- she's a different, more grown up person without her little brothers around.
D started work yesterday and Sky and Fire are both in school (Kindergarten and preschool, respectively). I started my new job as a stay-at-home mom and am so glad that my mom is visiting for the week to help me get a handle on things. There's so much to do in a day and it's doubled by the fact that we're still getting moved in.
We only have a little bit of furniture but hopefully our shipments from Kwaj and from Omaha (where we lived before Kwaj) will be delivered before the end of the month. Until then, we're still mostly camping but doing our best. We're making new friends, enjoying all the new things to do here, and trying to make the most of life here. I'll be working up some dedicated move and house posts soon but here's a little bit of a photo catch up for now:
Four car seats and room to spare- exactly why we got an Excursion.
We took the kids to Great Wolf Lodge for a few days and Earth was all ears (ha!)
Trying out the chairs at Nebraska Furniture Mart
The coolest fan ever (I will definitely be getting this for the boys room)
Water makes THE BEST sad face!
And then he's fine again
A happy boy on Christmas eve
Three elves attacking the gingerbread house
Crabby Daddy's getting a little overloaded!
Sky didn't want to take a picture with me a my mom...
At the aquarium in Kansas City before our flight to Tucson
(she still didn't want her picture taken)
Goofing around at Red Lobster on New Year's eve
She kept stealing my brussel sprouts!
Merry Christmas to me
Trying out a new area park
17 boxes from Ikea = 4 dressers, 1 bed, 1 desk, 1 crib, and one tired mama
Trying ballet class
Water wasn't sold on the javelina statues at the Desert Museum
Sky and a new friend
D here (with coffee!)
The photographer and his assistant
Most of us
The one real piece of furniture in our house: the ugliest couch ever
D looking sharp for his first day of work
Me in my new Mom uniform
Bubble Guppies was on so they didn't want to pose for first day pictures
Starbucks at Target!
I think we're going to like it here
geez what are you feeding ski it looks she has grown a foot since you left the island, glad you are settling in