Decisions, decisions...
For some reason, I feel compelled to make a big decision RIGHT NOW and because I can't, I'm worrying about it. So, I'll tell all of you about it so you can worry too. D's medical referral came through last week, which is good news, but we've been told by the less-than-helpful (seriously, it is her job to be unhelpful, and I'm not exagerating!) referral person that his appointment with a specialist probably won't be until December or January. Unfortunately, we have a trip to Thailand scheduled in December, and we were hoping to start our next adoption after that. Plans! We have plans and this might derail them!
I know things happen as they're meant to but I want them to happen as I want them to. We've considered flying D to Thailand before our vacation for the surgery but I think that's off the table since we got his referral approved. Canceling the vacation to Thailand would free up a lot of money and vacation time for the next adoption but we were really looking forward to this vacation with Sky. I really wanted her to have something that was just hers, even if she only sees the pictures and doesn't remember it.
Also, I'm having a hard time waiting for our next adoption and have been thinking about our someday-daughter a lot lately. What effect will the timing of this referral have on our next adoption?
Don't feel too bad for me about all this- usually my hardest decisions are like the one I had to make last night: which window should I hang the Halloween pumpkin window clings in?
In case you're wondering, they went in the living room windows and no matter how things go with this issue, we will roll with punches.
I know things happen as they're meant to but I want them to happen as I want them to. We've considered flying D to Thailand before our vacation for the surgery but I think that's off the table since we got his referral approved. Canceling the vacation to Thailand would free up a lot of money and vacation time for the next adoption but we were really looking forward to this vacation with Sky. I really wanted her to have something that was just hers, even if she only sees the pictures and doesn't remember it.
Also, I'm having a hard time waiting for our next adoption and have been thinking about our someday-daughter a lot lately. What effect will the timing of this referral have on our next adoption?
Don't feel too bad for me about all this- usually my hardest decisions are like the one I had to make last night: which window should I hang the Halloween pumpkin window clings in?
In case you're wondering, they went in the living room windows and no matter how things go with this issue, we will roll with punches.
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