Back in Kansas for the Homestretch

   We are back at D's folks place in Kansas for the last part of our vacation in America.  We'd been dreading the long drive back from Minnesota but it went just fine.  The kids are getting used to their car seats, which really helped.  We stopped about halfway through the drive and spent the night in a hotel.  My mom joined us at the hotel and then drove down to Kansas with us.  She's heading back to Iowa this morning.  We've had two nice, quiet days here and are starting to get ourselves ready for the flight to Majuro next week.  D's mother's family are driving out today for a family get-together and then it'll be down to packing and shipping.  We've had a good time but we're ready to go home.

 Out for a walk on the land

 Sky and Fire bundled up for a ride in Grandpa's work cart


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