Weekend On Roi
We played, we ate, we napped, we rode in carts, had fun at the beach, and caught up with good friends. It was a perfect weekend away as a family and while we were all pretty tired from it this morning, we also felt really refreshed and ready for the week.
Just hanging out
Sky loved climbing this tree
and Fire loved eating dirt
Sky is bound and determined to get this Big Sister Thing figured out.
She tries to carry him around
(even though he only weighs 4 pounds less than she does and tries to escape every time)
They play patty-cake
and she gives him hugs, whether he likes it or not
A Roi pack-n-play
Letting Sky and Fire loose in our friends room
While D went kiteboarding with Gene, Sandra and I took Sky and Fire out to feed the chickens. The Cheez-its were a hit
Maybe too much of a hit? The started chasing us when we drove away!
D and Gene kiteboarding in the pass
Sky: not impressed
Fire: not impressed
Sandra and I
After lunch and naps, we hit the beach
Sky munched on coconut
and collected hermit crabs
Fire hung out with me
He hated the hammock!
Eating pandanus
Fire says, "Which end do I eat?"
How many takes before we get a good picture of the kids with Gene?
More than I posted here!
Fire is a crawling machine these days
Two tired and happy boys.
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