Back on Kwaj
Water made the transition really well and hasn't had any problem with the time zone change. He's still eating and sleeping like a champ. We're working on hiring a nanny to stay with him but I'm enjoying the end of my maternity leave and my days at home with him are busy and fun.
Water at six weeks
Get Daddy!
And this one sleeps through it all
One of the things I did with my short maternity leave was to paint a few accent walls in each of the kids' rooms. I did Water's in a soft green color:
Not a great picture but you can see the green contrasting with the Army-standard eggshell white really well. I found the little airplane mobile over Water's crib in a store in Seattle and fell in love with simplicity of the design. It doesn't match the Finding Nemo decals and prints but I don't think Water cares.
Did any of you notice that I didn't include any pictures of this room in the original blog post I did on our move to this house? I couldn't bear to. The idea of a baby was there. The adoption was moving ahead but with so many unknowns and such a wide open timeline, I couldn't even think about it on a day-to-day basis. Once I moved the furniture into the room and arranged it the way I wanted it I closed the door and left it closed. It was too much for me.
But now look who's sleeping in there!
The walls above Sky and Fire's beds are now a light blue. Sky wanted hers to be pink but since I only wanted to paint these walls once, I talked her into something a bit more neutral. I also got both kids new decals for above their beds:
Disney Princesses for Sky
Cars for Fire
(yes, that's both of them asleep on Sky's bed. They fell asleep with the light on so I snuck in to get these pictures before I turned it off)
This little panel is in the hallway between the doors to Water's room and Sky and Fire's room. I've wanted to paint something with chalkboard paint for a long time, since I thought it would be nice for the kids to have an easy artistic outlet around the house. It took four coats but now there is a nice, shiny blackboard for them to color on. It's already getting some use: below is the leftovers from a lesson on how sixes and nines and b's and d's are each other reverse.
Congratulations on bringing Water home! Enjoy these precious days and don't forget to take care of yourself. :)