Playing Catch Up: Earth's First Family Day
For so many reasons, I couldn't get my act together around Earth's family day. Maybe because it was his first, maybe because it fell just after we got back from Thailand and then it got lost after the excitement of Halloween. Can I blame on Earth being the fourth child?
D and Earth 2017
Earth and I 2016
Earth and I 2017
We're so blessed to have you in our lives, no matter how unexpected your arrival was or how many bumps there were on the way. Earth, you make our family complete!
See where I'm linking up here
To tell you the truth, I didn't remember exactly when his Family day was. Earth had already been living with us for a while by the time we went to court and the whole process was messy and so much didn't go as planned (see my Island Adoption post for more on that). I did remember that it was in early November but when I went to look for the exact date, I discovered that we don't have a copy of his adoption decree (note to self: fix that!).
I had to look on this blog to find it- we finalized Earth's adoption on November 4th. We celebrated about a week after that with his favorite dinner- sausage and pepper sandwiches but for some reason, I just couldn't remember to take our annual photos. Finally, two months late, here they are:
D and Earth 2017
Earth and I 2016
We're so blessed to have you in our lives, no matter how unexpected your arrival was or how many bumps there were on the way. Earth, you make our family complete!
See where I'm linking up here
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