10 Years Together

D and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year!  While our actual anniversary fell over the Labor Day holiday, we took advantage of Sky and Fire's trip to their grandparents to spend a weekend away.  A friend from church watched Water and Earth for us and we spent two days talking, eating, seeing movies, hiking, talking, sleeping, reading, talking, watching TV, relaxing and talking.  It was so relaxing to spend time with just each other, with no kids to worry about.  To be able to have long lunches or read a book without interruption.  We came home on Sunday refreshed and ready to be parents again.

Here's to 10 more years!
D, you are my other half, who sees the real me and makes me the best version of myself

On a whim, I tried on my wedding dress while my mom was visiting earlier this summer.  I've lost over 20 pounds since D and I got married and my mom had to pull the laces as tight as she could to get it to stay up...

Sky wanted to see me in my "princess dress" but didn't want Grandma to take her picture


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