First Day of School!
Summer is officially over. And, somewhat surprisingly, we survived- no, we did more than survive. My friends, we killed summer this year! We did space camp, art camp, soccer camp, went camping at the Grand Canyon, stay-cationed in Flagstaff, spent a week at Grandma and Grandpa's house, lived at the pool, had play dates, and sleepovers. There was more bickering on the kids' part and more yelling on my part than I would have liked but overall, it was a great summer. I'll try to get to the catch-up posts soon but in the mean time, here are this year's back to school pictures:
Just kidding! This one has two more years at home before he starts Kindergarten.
Fire wasn't really sure about changing schools. He loved his pre-k teachers and friends and didn't want to give that up. I was so proud of him for being able to say the words "I'm scared" (a huge deal for a kid with both verbal and emotional delays) and for being able to be brave enough to walk into school with his class anyway.
Sky could barely wait for me to finish taking her picture so she could run into school with her friends. She just got back from her grandparents house on Friday and I was worried how she would handle the quick turn to starting school but she's in a really great place right now and she took the first day of school in stride. This girl amazes me every day!
How was your summer? Has school started for you yet? Are you ready or do you want summer to go on for a bit longer?
See where I'm linking up here
Just kidding! This one has two more years at home before he starts Kindergarten.
Fire wasn't really sure about changing schools. He loved his pre-k teachers and friends and didn't want to give that up. I was so proud of him for being able to say the words "I'm scared" (a huge deal for a kid with both verbal and emotional delays) and for being able to be brave enough to walk into school with his class anyway.
Sky could barely wait for me to finish taking her picture so she could run into school with her friends. She just got back from her grandparents house on Friday and I was worried how she would handle the quick turn to starting school but she's in a really great place right now and she took the first day of school in stride. This girl amazes me every day!
How was your summer? Has school started for you yet? Are you ready or do you want summer to go on for a bit longer?
See where I'm linking up here
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