Fall Break, Fishing, and the Desert Museum
We survived Fall Break! And not only are all of us still alive, we all still like each other! I'm so surprised about that because I expected our week home together be a real challenge. While it did have some rocky spots, I think our time together over the summer helped the kids know what to expect while they were out school.
Schedules are important in our family and since we wouldn't have our usual one, I made up one just for the week. On Monday, the kids slept in and we hit a playground with some friends, On Tuesday Sky got to pick our activity, on Wednesday Fire chose, and on Thursday Earth got his turn to be in charge. We talked about what each child wanted to choose the week before so that everyone knew the plan and there weren't any surprises. I made arrangements for the kids favorite babysitters to come over later in the week and I planned a big day out at the Desert Museum for Friday.
I didn't take too many pictures during the week but I got a few in front of the Children's Museum:
Look, all four kids in one picture- Mom win!
Did you ever just feel blessed that someone stumbled into your life? K was my mother's helper our first summer here and she and her boyfriend A have become our go-to babysitters. They are just good people and love the kids so much. I will occasionally get messages from K asking if they can come play with the kids because she and A miss them. D and I call them "The Best Babysitters Ever" and are just so lucky that our kids have K and A in their lives.
K and A took the kids fishing at the lake nearby on Thursday and they actually caught some fish!
(I can't find a picture of K but that's A with Water)
Sky has been begging and begging to go to the Desert Museum lately and we finally went on Friday. It was one of the first places we visited when we moved here and is still a great place to take the family.
We tried out the javelinas
and the animal masks
saw the coyotes
and pretended to be vultures.
This is how we roll...
Thanks again for the wagon, Grandma L
I love that desert view!
Learning about raptors from the docent
The Desert Museum has installed a sting ray touch tank and it's one of the kids favorite things about the museum. Water was afraid to put his hands in the water but the rest of the kids spent over 20 minutes holding their hands out for the sting rays to swim by and touch. Earth was fascinated with this giant sting ray statue and kept trying to pet it like he was petting the real ones!
How do they measure up to giant tortoises?
We did everything there was to do at the Desert Museum and all the kids fell asleep on the drive home- it really was a great morning.
On Friday night we headed back to the Children's Museum for a Halloween event to wrap up our Fall Break. I only got a few pictures but the kids had fun eating snacks, making Halloween crafts, and seeing all their favorite play areas at night time.
Does your school have fall break? How do you fill all the unscheduled time? Are your kids homebodies or do you have to get out of the house?
Schedules are important in our family and since we wouldn't have our usual one, I made up one just for the week. On Monday, the kids slept in and we hit a playground with some friends, On Tuesday Sky got to pick our activity, on Wednesday Fire chose, and on Thursday Earth got his turn to be in charge. We talked about what each child wanted to choose the week before so that everyone knew the plan and there weren't any surprises. I made arrangements for the kids favorite babysitters to come over later in the week and I planned a big day out at the Desert Museum for Friday.
I didn't take too many pictures during the week but I got a few in front of the Children's Museum:
Look, all four kids in one picture- Mom win!
Did you ever just feel blessed that someone stumbled into your life? K was my mother's helper our first summer here and she and her boyfriend A have become our go-to babysitters. They are just good people and love the kids so much. I will occasionally get messages from K asking if they can come play with the kids because she and A miss them. D and I call them "The Best Babysitters Ever" and are just so lucky that our kids have K and A in their lives.
K and A took the kids fishing at the lake nearby on Thursday and they actually caught some fish!
(I can't find a picture of K but that's A with Water)
Sky has been begging and begging to go to the Desert Museum lately and we finally went on Friday. It was one of the first places we visited when we moved here and is still a great place to take the family.
We tried out the javelinas
and the animal masks
saw the coyotes
and pretended to be vultures.
This is how we roll...
Thanks again for the wagon, Grandma L
I love that desert view!
Learning about raptors from the docent
The Desert Museum has installed a sting ray touch tank and it's one of the kids favorite things about the museum. Water was afraid to put his hands in the water but the rest of the kids spent over 20 minutes holding their hands out for the sting rays to swim by and touch. Earth was fascinated with this giant sting ray statue and kept trying to pet it like he was petting the real ones!
How do they measure up to giant tortoises?
We did everything there was to do at the Desert Museum and all the kids fell asleep on the drive home- it really was a great morning.
On Friday night we headed back to the Children's Museum for a Halloween event to wrap up our Fall Break. I only got a few pictures but the kids had fun eating snacks, making Halloween crafts, and seeing all their favorite play areas at night time.
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