The Beginning of "That Time I Bought A Piano Without Talking to David"

  That's what I'm guessing these next few weeks will end up being called: That time I bought a piano without talking to D first, and man, I hope this turns into one of those times that we laugh about rather than one of the ones that we just don't talk about.  An alternate title for this post would have been, "I think D's going to kill me", since that was my first thought after I stopped laughing when I heard that I'd bought a piano.
  You might be thinking, "Wait a minute, Amber, you and D have been married for over six years and together for almost 10, so you know how important communication is.  Why would you do something like that?"  Well, it's like that book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie: If you take an Amber to the re-use sight on Kwaj to look for storage options for the new science equipment we're purchasing through Operation: Science Stuff, she'll find two file cabinets that work great.  Once she picks out file cabinets, she'll talk to the staff about arranging for donation.  While she's there, she'll see a piano pushed against the wall and ask about it.  When the folks at the re-use center will tell her that it's going to be in the next auction, she'll plunk a few keys and try to think where in her tiny house that will go.  If Amber gets as far as thinking where she can put the piano in her house, she'll ask her friend to put it on his next auction bid, never expecting to actually win.  And then a week and a half later, her friend will tell her that won, and Amber collapse with laughter, thinking that her husband will kill her.
  Yes, friends, I bought a piano.  On the plus side, it's here on Kwaj (which is  a pretty big plus), it was only $50, it's small enough to fit in our living room, and all the keys worked.  On the minus side, I did it without asking D which is bad for more than one reason.  You see, D naturally has perfect pitch so every time he hears that piano play, it's going to drive him up a wall because there's no way it's still in tune (and the likelihood of someone capable of tuning a piano being on island is so slim I'm probably not even going to ask around).  How out of tune the piano is will probably be the determining factor in whether this is something we laugh about or just don't mention again.
  Stay tuned for pictures and to hear how things go when I pick up the piano next week.  Any tips on home piano tuning would be appreciated!


  1. Amber,

    I've tried to find an email address for you and have been unable to do so; as such, I'm writing to you here.

    I am the editor for the Quad Community Press, which covers the area of and around Lino Lakes, Circle Pines, Lexington and parts of Blaine. I understand you're a Centennial High School grad, and I thought it would be a neat story for people who still live in the district to see an alum doing interesting things in an interesting place. In particular, I'd like to talk about Operation: Science Stuff.

    Could you shoot me an email if you're interested? My address is

    Thanks, Ryan Howard

  2. Hey Amber - Checking out your life and seeing your gorgeous kids ... thanks for the sweet comment today. I randomly decided to post a comment on this post and see that you are from MN :) Troy grew up in White Bear Lake. (I am a west-side person but I tolerate the St Paul suburbs).

    Enjoy the piano!


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